Should you trust your garage door opener to your neighbors?
03/29/2014 Back To BlogMore and more people are starting to use the garage door as the front door and that is definitely something that can be attributed to the chronicle lack of time a modern man is experiencing. The 21st century is by far the fastest century ever and this is evident through many various aspects including the ways people lead their lives today. Having no time to spare, everybody are trying to find new ways to perform at maximum speed and this involves making certain shortcuts like getting into your home directly from your garage.
Garage door vs. front door
Well doing it like this we have definitely managed to change the purpose of our garage doors which are not any more just the door we use to get our car into the garage but are our main entrance as well while the main gets are left for greeting visitors. Who know how long it will take until we start greeting them as well through our garage doors.
Garage door opener
What about your garage door opener? Should you stick to it strongly than you stick to your front door key or the fact you are entering your home this way doesn’t mean a potential trespasser would follow your footsteps. Well it might and then again it doesn’t have to mean that. One thing is certain though and that is that you should treat your garage door opener with the same cautions and same prudence you treat your front door keys. And as far as trusting your garage door remote controls and garage door clickers to others you should be extremely cautious about those as well. You should trust them exclusively to people whom you would be comfortable trusting your front door keys as well. It is definitely wise to have someone who will have your spare key in case something should happen or you find yourself in some strange situation that is stopping you to open your garage door in person when you desperately need them opened.